efficient home heating

Stay Warm & Save Money With These 8 Home Heating Tips

Efficient Home Heating

Unlike in South Florida, winters in Pensacola can get pretty chilly, leaving you with high energy bills month after month. While stacking on the blankets and socks is an option for staying warm and saving money, the truth is, there are better ways to keep your home comfortable this winter. Follow these tips to stay warm and save money, even when the weather gets cold in Pensacola. efficient home heating

1. Change or Clean Filters

Filters act as a barrier to keep unclean air from entering your home. They’re constantly catching dirt, dust, and other airborne particulates to stop them from gathering in or circulating through your ductwork. Because of this, they can easily get clogged and need regular cleaning or changing to keep them operating properly. If your filter isn’t operating properly you’ll experience poor air flow leaving your home feeling chilly, even when the heat is running. This could also cause high energy bills because the temperature can’t reach the set point of the thermostat without having enough air flow.

Lastly, when filters become extremely clogged, a safety switch will flip causing your system to shut down. Changing your filters will leave your family comfortable and safe, while also providing you with lower energy bills.

2. Repair or Replace Weatherstripping

Overtime, weatherstripping deteriorates or becomes damaged and will need to be replaced. Damaged or deteriorated weatherstripping can allow drafts to enter your home, lets conditioned air out, and causes inefficiency along with uncomfortable living conditions. Replace damaged pieces and caulk or seal any cracks around doors and windows to save money and be more comfortable in your home every season.

3. Utilize the Fireplace

When using the fireplace, it’s safe to say you can turn down the central heating a few degrees. Now, this may leave the rest of your home chilly, but if you’re planning on hanging out in this common area for a while, using the fireplace can be a great way to stay warm and save money. Before lighting up the fireplace this winter, make sure it’s safe to do so by following inspection and cleaning protocols.

4. Get Cozy

As we said before, while snuggling up underneath layers of blankets and jackets may not be the most comfortable way to live this winter, it’s definitely an option. If you don’t have a fireplace or wood burning stove, turn the heat down a few degrees and snuggle up with the family. You can easily save some extra bucks and even get some good quality time with your spouse, kids, or pet!

5. Insulate the Attic

Much of a home’s heat loss is due to improper insulation in the walls or the attic. If you’re experiencing uncomfortable temperatures this winter, ensure your insulation has not cracked, moved, or flaked away. If you don’t have insulation in the attic, you’re sacrificing comfort and efficiency.

6. Program Your Thermostat 

If you haven’t already, now’s the time to invest in a programmable thermostat. Not only can these thermostats save you money during the colder months, but they can save you money throughout the year! Since these thermostats allow you to schedule your home’s temperature, you can ensure maximum energy savings while you’re away and cozy comfort while you’re home.

7. Sign Up for Preventative Maintenance

Signing up for preventative maintenance means you’re signing up to keep your system operating smoothly throughout every season. The licensed technicians at Shannon’s Heating & Cooling will inspect every aspect of your system twice a year, in the fall and the spring. This ensures we diagnose any foreseeable problems with your system before you need it most. It also saves you money by prolonging the life of your system and avoiding expensive emergency repairs, and saves you time by adding you to our list of priority customers.

8. Replace Your Heating System

If your system has been underperforming for the past few seasons and is 10-15+ years old, it may be time for a replacement. Shannon’s Heating & Cooling proudly offers American Standard heat pumps and furnaces. We can make recommendations as to which comfort system will best fit the needs of your home and your family, all with one visit. If you’re in the market for a new system, give us a call at 850-698-3101 today. 

More About Us

If you have questions about your furnace or heating system, or if you need a repair or replacement, call us at 850-698-3101. Our professional staff can answer any questions you might have. We will also make recommendations as to which system will work best for your individual situation.

Feel free to email us at [email protected] with any questions or inquiries. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram! efficient home heating

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